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Category Archives: Child Support


FAQs About Deviating from California’s Guidelines for Child Support

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

California has uniform child support guidelines that it generally defaults to in order to calculate child support obligations. Guideline child support is presumed to be the correct amount in our state. However, parents and judges are not always bound by the guidelines because this presumption is rebuttable. It can be challenged. While, on a… Read More »

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Common Child Support Questions in California

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

Most parents would agree that our children are the most important parts of our lives. Regardless of anything else going on, we will do anything for our children. That does not stop if the parents of children divorce. Parents continue to provide care for children even after any marriage or relationship comes to an… Read More »

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My Ex Earned a Raise – Will This Affect What They Pay in Child Support?

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

A person’s job prospects and earning potential is a dynamic thing. Just because a person earns a certain amount at the time a divorce is finalized or a child support agreement is put in place, does not mean that the number could not change, significantly, over time. A person working as a bank teller… Read More »

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What Does Child Support Cover?

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

No matter your age, cultural heritage, financial situation or educational accomplishments, all divorced or separating parents can agree on one thing: raising a child costs money. Quite a lot of money. Accordingly, when parents make the decision to dissolve their relationship, the California court systems come in with a baseline expectation that both parents… Read More »

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A Tale Of Caution: Former NBA Player Ordered To Pay Six Figures In Back Child Support

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

Matt Barnes, who formerly played for NBA team the Golden State Warriors, was recently ordered by the California court system to pay a whopping $133,976.54 in child support for his twin sons with his ex-wife Gloria Govan. Mr. Barnes and his ex-wife separated in 2014 and their divorce was finalized in 2016. The marriage… Read More »

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Are College Expenses Accounted For In A California Child Support Agreement?

By Cardwell Steigerwald Young LLP |

In the midst of divorce proceedings you may ask yourself: how do I ensure my child’s best interests are protected throughout this divorce? What situations do I need to account for? Will my divorce and child support agreement account for any educational costs, such as a child’s college tuition? In California, child support typically… Read More »

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